Saturday, December 17, 2011


Finally Michael is feeling better. He said, "I would be happy if I continue to feel this good". He was released from the hospital yesterday evening and he went back to the hotel with his parents. He is relieved to be out of the hospital and on a course to recovery. He has had a tough few days but things are slowly resolving. This morning, he had a nurse come by to provide instructions on how to use the PICC line that was inserted yesterday while at the hospital. The PICC line will be used to provide him with antibiotic and fluid IVs. The PICC line was installed in the inside of his arm above the elbow, the end of the PICC line normally sits in a large vein just above the heart so there is plenty of blood rushing past it to dilute the drugs and take them safely into the bloodstream. Michael's labs can now be drawn from the PICC line and allow his bruised arms and hands a breather from the frequent needle sticks. Yesterday Michael had a chance to ask Dr. Leventhal if there were any risks in his body's ability to reach Chimerism due to the complications he has experienced and the amount of medications he has taken and the Dr. Leventhal said "No". Good answer Doc! :) Michael's complications are due to the kidney transplant, they were a product of the stent and catheter and not the "clinical study" at hand. Michael is passing urine much better today, no stinging and maybe slight pain and pressure. He was able to eat a normal size breakfast and is drinking plenty of water, mundane things but we cheer for them! His heart rate is still elevated around 100-110 BPM but its been like this since the surgery (or maybe chemo). We keep hearing that it's from dehydration. He was also put on a supplemental Magnesium IV while in the hospital and he is now taking it in pill form. We don't really know why he has low magnesium levels but some patients experience this after chemotherapy. Today I finished wrapping up Michael's stocking gifts as well as his parents gifts and mailed them off to his hotel. Before Michael left for Chicago, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family and we surprised him with presents under the Christmas tree. Michael and I will not be celebrating Christmas together but its all good. His travels take him away at times during birthdays, holidays, celebrations, anniversaries and we are accustomed to making our own special days and celebrating outside the box. Looking at the grand picture, Michael received the biggest gift of all from Joe on December 1st - there is nothing else we need or want. We are blessed.

PICC Line.
Our Christmas together before he left for Chicago

We surprised him at my sisters house after he had arrived home from a 4am flight he took out that morning!

 Michael and Jill.
 "Our Family"
Uncle Mike with Julian.....Mike is the best uncle on the planet!
Anne has decorated the hotel room for Christmas.

16 Days Post Transplant. We are thankful for the "gift" of this season, life has been restored in so many ways. You are not alone, and neither are we.

God's Blessings, Lilly 

1 comment:

  1. That's great news we've all been waiting for! We've been rooting for Michael all along. It's like our team just scored a goal!!! A big one! We continue to pray things will keep progressing well, and you'll have Michael home soon. Blessings to you all!
