Monday, December 19, 2011

Counting the Days

Yes, I am counting the days until Michael gets home! He has been in Chicago since November 7th and I'm ready to have him home. If all goes well, he should be home in 3-4 weeks. If I was to count down the days, I would count them like Michael's youngest cousin Dawson who is 6 years old counts his days, it would be 21-28 sleeps away! So cute but still sounds like a long time away, right? Sunday was a tiring day for Michael, he was exhausted and slept quite a bit, I guess his body deserved it and needed it. Today he had an appointment with Dr. Leventhal and it seems like things might be on the upswing when it comes to his blood work. Today, they unmasked my Zorro (Okay, Michael!). NO MORE MASKS! YAY! His white blood count is now 2.6 which also means no more Neupogen shots! How great is that? The doctor did find some oozing at the incision site verifying what I felt had been going on and that was an infection. They put a bandage over the area and they will continue the antibiotic IV at the hotel at least until Friday. Good news is that a lot of the redness in that area has resided, so hopefully things are headed in the right direction and will remain that way. Today Michael's Aunt Marg, Uncle Rudy and Sue (Dawson's mommy) came to visit Michael for a few days from Canada! Michael has been excited about their visit for a long time and I have no doubt he will have a ton of laughs with them! Sue is a nurse and a patient advocate and I am positive Michael will have the most amazing and loving nurse by his side for the next couple of days!

Sue helping out with Michael's IV ~ Yup, he is loving it. :)

18 Days Post Transplant.  You are not alone and neither are we, its good to not be alone.

God's Blessings .... Lilly :)

1 comment:

  1. Our time with Michael went way too fast. It was wonderful to see him and visit. We were amazed at how well he is handling everything. We are trusting and believing he will continue to get stronger, and will be home soon. Love, Aunt Marg & Uncle Rudy
