Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello Friends!

Hello Friends! It's been a while since I was last here and I have missed it! Life has been busy but that can only mean good things, right? Michael is doing amazingly great! He is almost 5 months post transplant and back to work and doing what he loves! Just the other evening I heard him tell his friend "I'm feeling 100%, I can't run a marathon but I'm feeling really great".  How awesome is that!?! Michael has been busy performing again and bringing laughter and inspiration to his audiences. He recently had a corporate keynote in New Orleans and for the first time on stage he shared some of his personal journey with Polycystic Kidney Disease and his unique kidney transplant. It was a raw and poignant moment and it turned out to be quite uplifting for both Michael and his audience. After the standing ovation died down, a liver transplant recipient came by and shook Michael's hand.  He sincerely thanked Michael for sharing his transplant story and giving such an edifying speech that benefited him personally as well as professionally. I believe he too felt at that moment that he was not alone and that fills our hearts with sweet joy. Come on, smile with me! Oh, not to forget - Guess who Michael ran into in New Orleans?  Angelina Jolie! Michael was opening the door of a hotel as she was walking out with a girlfriend.  Angelina looked at him, smiled and mouthed the word "hi". I bet she thought he was the cutest boy ever!  :)  Michael's 6 month check up is coming up soon and he will be flying to Chicago to see Dr. Leventhal. During this checkup among a lot of blood work, he will also be having a kidney biopsy which is standard at this time post transplant. Though it sounds painful and invasive its actually done with a needle and small samples of the kidney are removed. We are hoping that after this visit he will be free of one of his immunosuppressive drugs, Myfortic. His anti rejection medicines have slowly been reduced in preparation for being drug free within the one year post transplant anniversary. Michael has seen side effects of these drugs including coughs, dry skin, rashes, hand tremors (not good when you are a magician who does close up magic) and some itching. Can't blame him for wanting to get off them! Michael's heart rate is still a bit high but slowly coming down, his BPM are now averaging in the mid-90's. He is no longer getting dizzy spells, which makes us all relieved and his appetite is almost back to normal. He hasn't gained much weight, still holding around 184 but he is eating healthy and in no rush to gain much more. Life is normal again, a new normal but a healthy and grateful normal. Life is not about the next biggest thing, its about the small journeys we take that make our spirits grow and nurture a desire to give back. Joe is doing GREAT! We get to see him and his family when they come down in July. It's going to be a really neat day when both brother's reunite post transplant.

145 Days Post Transplant.  You are not alone, and neither are we.  That's pretty cool, right?

God's Blessings ~ Lilly