Monday, November 28, 2011

PKD - The Wheels are in Motion

After all the tests were completed by Michael and Joe, we then all waited for the green light.  I can't express enough how relieved Michael was when the call came in from Irma to set-up the transplant date!  It had happened, he was accepted. Now all we had to do was agree on a date. Based on Dr. Weinstein's timetable, we understood that Michael's kidneys were going to function without the need for dialysis until about September but Michael, being the optimist, decided to take on his most challenging busy season during August-October and plan on having his kidney transplant in late November, which is his slower time of the year. I was concerned about him being on the road and having such a hectic travel season while running on about 12% kidney function but he did! I have no idea how, but he did! At one time, Michael had 25 shows in 22 different states all back to back dates.  He ran on little to no sleep and gave amazing and mind boggling performances for his clients.  His perseverance and dedication proved to dominate his PKD. Bravo Michael!

Michael was started on Chemotherapy on Sunday.  It was a short 30 minute session and he felt good through it and after it.  The nurses were careful to give him anti-nausea medicine before the treatment, so we don't know if that is what helped him or if its too soon to really be feeling any effects. Yesterday when the nurse was preparing Michael for chemo, she administered Ativan. Michael asked what it was for and she said anxiety. He wondered why she would administer something for anxiety when he felt none whatsoever but she clarified by saying that it was used as an anti-nausea. No anxiety? How was that possible? I had to ask Michael if he really didn't have anxiety about this complex study with so many unknowns. He said with a compelling voice, "I have not one bit of anxiety or fear". My mind can't comprehend that, what a peaceful place he must be in. Michael is a corporate speaker and during Michael's key note speech he quotes a line out of James Allen's book, "As A Man Thinketh", it reads "The vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, this you will become". Michael has a vision, a healthy and positive one. Today he will be receiving about 3 hours of Chemotherapy. Michael will also receive a 24 hour drip of Mesna. The Chemotherapy can cause irritation and bleeding from the lining of the bladder and the kidneys, Mesna helps to prevent this by protecting Michael's bladder and kidneys. Michael's urine is being closely monitored and tested for signs of blood. Salt water mouth rinse must be done 3 times a day to prevent mouth sores that the chemo can produce. Michael's blood pressure has dropped since being on Dialysis as well as his creatine level and his GFR has gone up. Creatinine has been found to be a fairly reliable indicator of kidney function. If the kidneys become impaired for any reason, the creatinine level in the blood will rise due to poor clearance by the kidneys. Abnormally high levels of creatinine warns of possible malfunction or failure of the kidneys. A normal creatine level is between 0.6 to 1.2. Going into the hospital, Michael's was at a 5.5 and it is now at 4.1. His GFR (% of kidney function) has gone up from 11% to 16%.

Below is a link to "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. It's a quick but priceless read.

Michael's IV - Chemotherapy.
Michael's Schedule.


Michael with his parents, Harry and Anne.

3 Days to Transplant. Turning the corner and gaining speed. You are not alone, and neither are we.

God's blessings, Lilly :)


  1. What an amazing guy! What an amazing wife! What an amazing God! This blog is a wonderful tool for family and friends to walk along side of you all. Love & Prayers, Aunt Marg & Uncle Rudy
