Monday, November 14, 2011

Michael's Fight with PKD

Michael became determined to fight the battle to save his kidney's after his first appointment with Dr. Weinstein. Michael was informed that there was nothing that could be done to reverse the damage to his kidney's.  At this point we would have to wait until his kidney function was down to 20%, only at that time could the process of the kidney transplant be started.  If Western Medicine could not help repair his kidneys, why not try alternative ways?  Michael began researching the benefits of several natural therapies;  

  1. The Raw Food Diet consists mainly of uncooked, unprocessed organic plant foods.  Michael would juice organic vegetables and fruit for his breakfast and sometimes lunch, he would then have salads for dinner with lots of fresh organic vegetables.  He stayed on this diet for 30 days and lost about 30 pounds. The greatest benefit he received from this therapy was his blood pressure, it was amazing how it went down to normal ranges without medication! In addition, he felt really good and energized.  There was something to this diet that was obviously beneficial but it was so difficult to maintain, especially with his traveling schedule.
  2. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbalist was the 2nd phase of Michael's attack.  I  have to admit that I was very surprised that the Chinese Herbalist was able to tell by her examination (examined his eyes, tongue and palm) that Michael's kidneys were not functioning normally (without us explaining the reason we were there). She mixed together a cocktail of herbs for Michael to take daily as well Acupuncture sessions.  Acupuncture is one tool used to restore the flow of chi (qi), by inserting needles into the acupuncture points (located on the meridians). These insertions are said to clear any residing blockages, or dams, in turn freeing the body in its entirety. Didn't see much if any change from this but Michael did not stay on this therapy for long.
  3. Lymph Node Therapy was another therapy Michael attempted. Michael had the Electro-Lymph Therapy performed for several weeks. ELT stimulates the movement of the lymphatic system by radiating an energy field rich in negative charged ions, which moves the lymph and dissipates congested cells and protein matter in the body.  This therapy was to clean the Lymph system and improve the blood supply, which in turn has a positive effect on every cell in the body. The outcome?  No benefits, but the drive over the bridge to St. Petersburg was pretty!
  4. The Grape Diet was probably the most difficult therapy to see Michael take on.  He made an appointment to see a Naturopathic doctor who put Michael on a Grape and Water (only) diet. This doctor claimed that he had worked with many celebrities and they all had good results from this diet. The longer you can stay on it, the greater the benefit. Michael purchased pounds of organic grapes and ate ONLY grapes for 20 days! Remember, Michael travels A LOT but he took his grapes along.  We would pack them in lunch coolers in his suitcase, just enough to last him while on the road. When he was home, I'd try my best to eat when I was out. It was so difficult to eat in front of him, it broke my heart.  To this day, Michael has no desire to eat grapes. I  have no idea how he did this, when he sets his mind to something he can do anything and this was just more proof.  The only benefit on this therapy was weight loss and his blood pressure went down but his kidney function also declined.  His kidney function was now 12%, it had been 17%.
You might think some of these therapies are extreme or unconventional but Michael was fighting for his life, fighting a disease that modern medicine has no cure for.  Would I have done these therapies if I was in the same situation?  Maybe some, but the question should be would I have been able to do them?  You have to be so mentally strong and committed to put your body through these difficult therapies while being ill and while mentally dealing with the fact that your body is dying slowly.  

Today Michael and Joe went in to have their ports surgically put in.  They both were in good spirits and ready to get it done!  I was in a meeting here in Downtown Tampa with some co-workers when Michael went into surgery.  He texted me before he went in and I anxiously waited for him to text me that all went well with both him and Joe.  At one point during our meeting I was asked if I was nervous about something, I noticed that I had been wringing my hands, slipping my rings on and off. The anxiety inside me was making its way out.  I shared that Michael and his brother were in surgery and having their ports installed and everyone was very supportive and positive.  

I was so happy to see his text come in!

The pictures below might not be for the squeamish - but if you can watch the video of Joe, its truly HILARIOUS!  

Michael right after getting his port put in.

Joe showing off his new attachment.

The rear view.

They can still have fun through it all!  Love it!

17 Days to Transplant.  We hope that we can bring a smile to each and every person going through PKD.  You are not alone, and neither are we.

God's Blessings!  Lilly :) 


  1. Oh great! TWO comedians in the same family! You guys are gonna keep that place hoppin' for a long time!

    Praying for both of you guys! Mikey, we are proud of you bro! Joe, thank you for your sacrifice. You're a true brother in every since of the word! Don't let Mikey hypnotize you unless you want to be a You Tube sensation!

  2. Praying for you all. That video is hilarious. It's one of those things that makes you wonder how did the first person to discover (insert crazy thing here) discover it?
